Monday, February 20, 2012

You cannot get anywhere without setting goals.

Goal setting. This is something that has been resonating in my mind recently. The only thing that motivates me to get up and do something different is to have a big scary goal out there. It doesn't have to be scary for everyone, but I find it helps me if it is. My Arbonne upline says to set goals, Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom lists setting goals as the number one way to get organized and succeed with home, personal life, finances and business. Goals provide us with a reason to keep going and when broken down into simple steps, they are given legs or wheels to achieve what we want in life.

Today I wrote goals. I took a page from Crystal's book (literally) and wrote down the big things I really want in life. I then peeled the onion, as suggested by Dax Moy of The Dax Moy Network, and broke them down into small bite size pieces. Keep in mind this is stuff I already know how to do and know how to do well, however something always seems to be missing. I believe it's the accountability and the willingness I have to stay in the place I am in. It's comfortable and warm, but it does not make me happy. So, here are my goals. I am sharing them in order to hold myself accountable.

1. Prayer time with Sadie before bed
2. Read Bible stories with both girls each evening for 15 minutes
3. Write love notes to my family

Personal Goals:
4. 30 minutes a day knitting
5. 30 minutes a day reading something now school related
6. 3 days running a week + 3 days of strength training

Home Management
7. Declutter from top to bottom
8. Fold clothes and put them away after they come out of the laundry
9. Menu planning

10. 2 calls a day, 2 samples a day, 2 face to face a day
11. 2 parties a week: Either catalog or get-together
12. Listen to trainings

Financial Bonus: Save $80 this week.